Xadago 100mg

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Xadago 100mg

International Name : Xadago 100mg

Contains : Safinamide

Manufacturer : Zambon

Form : Tablets

Packing : 30 Tablets

Strength : 100 mg

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Xadago 100mg

Safinamide is utilized with another drug (levodopa/carbidopa) to treat the side effects of Parkinson’s sickness. It can help improve manifestations, for example, unsteadiness, firmness, and trouble moving. It can likewise help diminish the measure of “off” time (times of moderate development or firmness).

Safinamide has a place with a class of medications known as MAO inhibitors. It works by expanding the dimensions of certain characteristic substances in the cerebrum, (for example, dopamine). Parkinson’s infection is believed to be brought about by too little dopamine in the cerebrum.


Peruse the Patient Information Leaflet if accessible from your drug specialist before you begin taking safinamide and each time you get a refill. On the off chance that you have any inquiries, ask your specialist or drug specialist.

Take this medicine by mouth with or without sustenance as coordinated by your specialist, for the most part, once day by day.

The measurement depends on your ailment and reaction to treatment. Try not to build your portion or take it more frequently than recommended. Your condition won’t improve any quicker, and your danger of symptoms will increment.

Utilize this drug normally to get the most profit by it. To enable you to recall, take it in the meantime every day.

Try not to quit taking this medicine without counseling your specialist. A few conditions may turn out to be more regrettable when this medication is abruptly halted. Your portion may be step by step diminished.

An intense hypertension response may infrequently happen in the event that you eat a lot of tyramine while taking safinamide and for about fourteen days after you stop it. Maintain a strategic distance from sustenances that are high in tyramine, similar to matured cheeses, (for example, Stilton cheddar). Counsel your specialist or dietician about which nourishments you ought to maintain a strategic distance from and on the off chance that you don’t feel well in the wake of eating or drinking certain sustenances while taking this drug. See likewise Side Effects area.

Tell your specialist if this medicine quits functioning admirably or if your condition deteriorates.

Side Effects:

Wooziness or sluggishness may happen. On the off chance that both of these impacts keep going or deteriorates, tell your specialist or drug specialist instantly.

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