Role of Remdesivir Injection

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Role of Remdesivir Injection


Know  more about the role of Remdesivir Injection for COVID-19 Treatment

You’ve probably heard about Remdesivir, an antiviral drug used in COVID-19 emergency treatment. The newsletters have been made and the social media flood.


But Remdesivir, what is this? What is it doing? What is it? For which purpose is it being used? And is COVID-19 treatment really essential?


Find out how much Remdesivir you need to know below.

Note: This article is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace a medical practitioner’s recommendations.

What is Remdesivir?

Remdesivir is a medicament antiviral developed in 2009 for the treatment of hepatitis C. But this has not worked and was used effectively to treat Ebola and other viruses, such as SARS and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, for the first time in 2014. (MERS). It mainly enters into the RNA of viruses and prevents new copies of the virus from being made.

Does Remdesivir represent a tablet or an injection?

Remdesivir is an injection medicine. It usually comes with liquid as solution or powder and is injected into patients intravenously. However, before starting the medication, the patients would have to undergo some kidney and liver testing for safe use.

Uses of  Remdesivir injections?

This medicine is used in adults and adolescents to treat coronavirus infections (for example SARS or COVID-9).

What role does Remdesivir, an antiviral medication, play in COVID-19 treatment?

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit the world, Gilead Sciences Inc., the firm behind Remdesivir, began conducting trials and discovered that it was successful in treating the virus that caused the disease: SARS-COV-2.

When it comes to SARS-CoV-2, Remdesivir is supposed to operate by preventing the virus from replicating inside the body, similar to how it works with other coronaviruses. In some COVID-19 patients, this has been observed to reduce recovery time.

The medicine has been approved for emergency use in 50 countries, including India, Singapore, Japan, the European Union, the United States, and Australia, based on these clinical trials.

Nonetheless, it should only be used in hospital settings and never at home.

Is it used for treatment in India?

The National Clinical Management Protocol for Covid-19 approved the medication Remdesivir for emergency use in treating COVID-19 patients in India in July 2020. However, it is still classified as an experimental treatment.

Doctors in India are now using it, however it is only approved for the treatment of patients with mild COVID-19 infections who need oxygen support.

Is it approved by the ICMR or the WHO?

Remdesivir has been approved as an experimental medicine by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) for emergency use in hospitalised COVID-19 patients under certain clinical situations.

However, they warn that it is “not a life-saving medication in COVID-19” and does not lower mortality.

The World Health Organization (WHO), on the other hand, has issued a conditional recommendation against using Remdesivir in all hospitalised patients.

This is because they claim there isn’t enough evidence that it enhances the patients’ chances of survival.

Is Remdesivir effective in the treatment of COVID-19?

Initial research revealed that hospitalised patients recovered faster, cutting their recovery period in half, from 15 to 10 days on average.


Remdesivir-treated patients were also less likely to develop more severe respiratory disease and require high levels of respiratory support, according to the researchers.


However, additional trials and reviews discovered that the medicine has no influence on patient mortality, recovery time, or improvement, or the need for breathing.


More study and trials are needed at this time to be assured about Remdesivir’s effects.


What are the Remdesivir negative effects?


Remdesivir’s most common negative effects include:


  • Blood pressure that is too low
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Shivering and sweating


Other negative consequences include:


  • A low red-blood-cell count
  • Increases in liver enzyme levels
  • potassium deficiency
  • Distress in the digestive system
  • Failure of the respiratory system

If you’ve been prescribed the medicine and are experiencing any of these side effects, please contact your doctor right away.


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