Raparen 1mg
Raparen 1mg is utilized with different meds to anticipate dismissal of a kidney transplant. This prescription has a place with a class of medications known as immunosuppressants. It works by debilitating your body’s safeguard framework (safe framework) to enable your body to acknowledge the new organ as though it were your own.
Raparen 1mg may likewise be utilized to treat a specific lung illness (lymphangioleiomyomatosis-LAM).
Peruse the Medication Guide given by your drug specialist before you begin taking sirolimus and each time you get a refill. In the event that you have any inquiries, ask your specialist or drug specialist.
Accept this medicine by mouth as coordinated by your specialist, more often than not once day by day. Gulp down this drug. Try not to pulverize, bite, or split the tablets. In the event that you have queasiness or a disturbed stomach, you may take this medicine with nourishment. Be that as it may, it is imperative to pick one way (with nourishment or without sustenance) and take this medicine a similar route with each portion. Counsel your specialist or drug specialist for more subtleties.
The measurement depends on your weight, ailment, research center tests, (for example, sirolimus trough levels), and reaction to treatment.
Take this prescription normally to get the most profit by it. To enable you to recollect, take it in the meantime every day.
Try not to expand your portion or take this drug more regularly than endorsed. Your condition won’t improve any quicker, and your danger of symptoms will increment. Likewise, don’t quit taking this medicine without counseling your specialist.
In the event that you are likewise taking cyclosporine, take sirolimus 4 hours after your cyclosporine portion. Counsel your drug specialist for more data.
Abstain from eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice while utilizing this prescription except if your specialist or drug specialist says you may do as such securely. Grapefruit can build the opportunity of symptoms with this prescription. Approach your specialist or drug specialist for more subtleties.
In the event that you are taking this prescription to treat LAM, tell your specialist if your condition intensifies.
Side Effects:
See additionally Warning segment.
The runs, joint torment, shaking, skin break out, or inconvenience resting may happen. On the off chance that any of these impacts continue or intensify, tell your specialist or drug specialist immediately.