Eptus 50mg

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Eptus 50mg

International Name : Eptus 50mg

Contains : Eplerenone

Manufacturer : GlenmarkForm

Form : Tablets

Packing : 30 X 10 Tablets

Strength : 50 mg

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Eptus 50mg

Employments of Eptus 50 mg TabletEptus 50 mg Tablet is utilized alone or in mix with different drugs to decrease hypertension brought about by hereditary and additionally ecological elements.Congestive Heart Failure post myocardial localized necrosis.This drug is utilized alone or in blend with different meds to treat hypertension. It works by obstructing a concoction (aldosterone) in your body which thus brings down the measure of sodium and water the body holds. Bringing down hypertension forestalls strokes, heart assaults and kidney issues.


Hypertension :

-Eptus 25 mg Tablet is utilized alone or in blend with different drugs to diminish hypertension brought about by hereditary as well as natural elements.

Congestive Heart Failure post myocardial dead tissue :

This drug is utilized to treat heart disappointment after a heart assault (myocardial dead tissue).

Precautions :

Measurement depends on your condition. Critical advising focuses are recorded underneath.

  • Kids
  • Diabetes
  • Try not to twofold the portion
  • High blood dimensions of fats
  • Keep a hole of no less than 12 hours between two back to back portions
  • Kidney or liver sickness
  • Screen pulse regularly
  • Chat with specialist before utilizing OTC items that may build circulatory strain
  • This medicine may produce a long time before getting results .

When not to use :

Hypersensitivity to Eptus Tablet is a contraindication. Likewise, Eptus Tablet ought not be utilized in the event that you have the accompanying conditions:

  • Interminable renal disappointment
  • Associative organization with other potassium saving diuretics, ketoconazole, itraconazole
  • Hyperkalemia
  • Serious hepatic disability .

Warnings :

Warnings for special population :

  • Pregnancy

-This drug is prescribed for use in pregnant ladies just when vital. Every one of the dangers and advantages ought to be talked about with the specialist before taking this medication.

  • Bosom encouraging

-This medication isn’t suggested for use in breastfeeding ladies except if fundamental. Every one of the dangers and advantages ought to be examined with the specialist before taking this prescription. Your specialist may encourage you to stop breastfeeding or to end the medication dependent on the clinical state of the patient.

General warnings :

  • Hyperkalemia

-This medication may cause a noteworthy increment in the potassium levels, which may cause extreme unfriendly impacts. Suitable portion alterations or suspension of treatment might be required dependent on the clinical condition.

  • Unsteadiness

-This prescription may cause dazedness in a few patients. It is exhorted that you don’t play out any exercises, for example, driving a vehicle or working apparatus amid treatment with this drug, in any event until the reaction to introductory treatment has been resolved.

Side Effects :

Major and minor symptoms for Eptus 50 mg Tablet :

  • Hypersensitivity
  • Chest torment
  • Shivering of hands and feet
  • Perplexity
  • Sporadic heartbeat
  • Cerebral pain
  • Influenza like indications
  • Hack
  • Bosom broadening .

General Instructions :

Take Eptus 50 mg Tablet with or without nourishment. Try not to take in bigger or littler sums than exhorted/endorsed. Counsel the specialist on the off chance that you encounter any unfortunate symptoms. Try not to stop the utilization of this medication without counseling your specialist.


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