Kalydeco (ivacaftor) 150mg

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Kalydeco (ivacaftor) 150mg

International Name : Kalydeco (ivacaftor) 150mg

Contains : Ivacaftor

Manufacturer : Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Form : Tablets

Packing : 56 Tablets

Strength : 150mg

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Kalydeco (ivacaftor) 150mg

Kalydeco 150mg is utilized to treat cystic fibrosis in specific individuals (those with a strange “CFTR” quality). It might enhance breathing, diminish the danger of lung contaminations, and enhance weight gain.


Store at room temperature far from light and moisture. Try not to store in the bathroom. Keep all medications from kids and pets. Try not to flush drugs down the latrine or empty them into a deplete except if taught to do as such. Appropriately dispose of when it is terminated or never again required. Counsel your drug specialist or local waste disposal company.

Warnings and precautions:

  • Do not take Kalydeco if you are allergic to ivacaftor or any of the other ingredients of this medicine.
  • Converse with your specialist on the off chance that you have liver issues, or have recently had them. Your specialist may need to change your portion.
  •  Converse with your specialist in the event that you have kidney issues, or have recently had them.
  •  Kalydeco (alone or in blend with tezacaftor/ivacaftor) isn’t prescribed in the event that you have experienced an organ transplant.
  •  Variation from the norm of the eye focal point (waterfall) with no impact on vision has been noted in a few youngsters and youths treated with Kalydeco (alone or in blend with tezacaftor/ivacaftor). Your specialist may play out some eye examinations before and amid treatment.
  •  Kalydeco isn’t to be utilized in youngsters under a year of age with gating transformations as it isn’t known whether ivacaftor is protected and powerful in these kids, or in patients under 18 years old.

If you forget to take Kalydeco:

Take the missed portion if under 6 hours have passed since you missed the portion. Something else, hold up until your next planned portion as you regularly would. Try not to take a double portion to compensate for an forgotten dose.

Side Effects:

  • Upper respiratory tract infection
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhoea
  • Rash
  • Runny nose
  • Ear pain, ear discomfort
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Redness inside the ear
  • Inner ear disorder (feeling dizzy or spinning)
  • Sinus congestion
  • Redness in the throat
  • Breast mass
  • Feeling sick (nausea)

This is not a exhaustive list of side effects and others may occur. Please contact your doctor immediately if any of these symptoms are found.


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