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International Name : Biobin

Contains : Cytarabine injection

Manufacturer : Zydus Celexa

Form : Injection

Packing : 1 Injection

Strength : 1 g/ 10 ml

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Biobin has a place with the gathering of medications called antimetabolites. It is utilized to treat a few sorts of tumors of the blood. It might likewise be utilized to treat different sorts of malignant growth, as dictated by your specialist.

Biobin meddles with the development of disease cells, which are in the long run crushed. Since the development of ordinary body cells may likewise be influenced by Biobin, different impacts will likewise happen. A portion of these might be not kidding and should be accounted for to your specialist. Different impacts, similar to male pattern baldness, may not be not kidding but rather may cause concern. A few impacts may not happen for a considerable length of time or years after the prescription is utilized.

Before you start treatment with Biobin, you and your specialist should discuss the great this prescription will do just as the dangers of utilizing it.

Biobin is to be directed just by or under the quick supervision of your specialist.


Biobin is utilized alone or with different drugs to treat different sorts of malignancy. It is a chemotherapy tranquilize that works by abating or ceasing malignancy cell development.

Side Effects:

Queasiness, regurgitating, loss of hunger, looseness of the bowels, migraine, dazedness, and torment/swelling/redness at the infusion site may happen. Sickness and spewing can be serious. Now and again, medicate treatment might be expected to anticipate or ease queasiness and retching. Not eating before your treatment may help calm spewing. Changes in eating routine, for example, eating a few little dinners or constraining action may help diminish a portion of these impacts. In the event that any of these impacts persevere or intensify, inform your specialist or drug specialist instantly.

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