Epogen (Epoetin) 2000units/1ml

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Epogen (Epoetin) 2000units/1ml

International Name : Epogen (Epoetin) 2000units/1ml


Manufacturer : Amgen Manufacturing Limited,

Form : Vial

Packing : 10 x 2000units /1 ml Single Use Vials

Strength : 2000units / 1 ml

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Epogen (Epoetin) 2000units/1ml

Description :

This prescription is utilized to treat anemia (low red blood cell count) in individuals with long term genuine kidney infection (chronic kidney failure), individuals getting zidovudine to treat HIV, and individuals accepting chemotherapy for a few kinds of cancer (disease that does not include the bone marrow or platelets).

It might also be utilized in anemic patients to decrease the requirement for blood transfusions before certain arranged surgeries that have a high risk of blood misfortune (generally given with an anticoagulant/”blood thinner” medicine, for example, warfarin to bring down the danger of genuine blood clots).

Epoetin alfa works by signaling the bone marrow to make progressively red platelets. This drug is fundamentally the same as the natural substance in your body (erythropoietin) that avoids anemia.

Storage :

– Do not freeze

– Protect from light

– Refrigerate (somewhere in the range of 36 and 46 degrees F)

How to use Epogen Vial :

Read the Medication Guide and Patient Information Leaflet given by your drug specialist before you begin utilizing this medicine and each time you get a refill. If you have any inquiries, ask your specialist or drug specialist.

This drug is given as an infusion under the skin or into a vein as coordinated by your specialist, for the most part 1 to 3 times each week. Patients getting this drug before medical procedure may have a unique dosing plan. Hemodialysis patients should to get this drug by infusion into a vein.

If you are utilizing this medicine at home, become familiar with all planning and utilization guidelines from your health care professional.

Try not to shake this medicine. Prior to utilizing, check this item outwardly for particles or staining. In the event that either is available, don’t utilize the fluid. If you are infusing this prescription under the skin, before each portion, clean the infusion site with rubbing liquor. Change the infusion site each time to diminish damage under the skin.

Precautions :

Before utilizing epoetin alfa, tell your specialist or drug specialist if you are oversensitive to it; or to epoetin alfa-epbx; or to different medications that reason increasingly red platelets to be made, (for example, darbepoetin alfa); or in the event that you have some other hypersensitivities. This item may contain inert fixings, (for example, benzyl liquor, polysorbate), which can cause hypersensitive responses or different issues. Converse with your drug specialist for more details.

Prior to utilizing this medicine, tell your specialist or drug specialist your medical history, particularly of: hypertension, coronary illness, (for example, heart failure, past heart assault/stroke), seizure issue, extreme frailty brought about by antibodies to past erythropoietin-type treatment (unadulterated red cell aplasia).

A few types of this medicine are produced using human blood. Despite the fact that the blood is cautiously tried, and this prescription experiences a unique assembling process, there is an amazingly little shot that you may get diseases from the medicine (for instance, infections, for example, hepatitis). Counsel your specialist or drug specialist for more data.

Before having surgeryc, tell your specialist or dental practitioner regarding every one of the items you use (counting professionally prescribed medications, nonprescription medications, and natural items).

Amid pregnancy, this drug ought to be utilized just when plainly required. Talk about the dangers and advantages with your specialist.

It is unknown if this medicine goes into breast milk. Counsel your specialist before breast-feeding.

Side Effects :

  • Headache,
  • body aches,
  • cough,
  • or injection site irritation/pain may occur
  • high blood pressure,
  • kidney failure,
  • allergic reaction

This is not a exhaustive list of side effects and others may occur.Please contact your doctor immediately if any of these symptoms are found.

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